The settings on the right side of this page control the:
Site Hierarchy (up down icons) - the page order, showing parent and child pages
Settings of the Page (wrench icon) - the page settings, such as URL names and SEO
Content of the Page - the actual page content (the pencil icon)
IMPORTANT NOTE: When changing the position of a page in the hierarchy, be sure to keep the home page as the first page in the list.
Adding Pages to Your Site
- Click the Add New Page icon.
- Change Parent Page from “Home” to “Root”.
- Change “New Page” to the page name of your choice, for example, "Calendar".
- The URL should automatically be changed to “~/calendar.aspx”.
- Click Create New Page.
Once you have created your page, you will return to the same screen, should you need to make additional changes. Notice that a new tab called “Calendar” has been created on the far right.
Adding Content to a Page
If there is no content on the page, add content by completing the form at the top of the page.
Feature Pull Down: In most instances, selecting "HTML content" from the pull-down allows most content types to be allowed. From the drop-down menu, there is a full selection of content types that you may add.
- Add HTML Content. From the feature pull-down menu, select HTML content.
- Title. Specify the title of the content.
- Location panel. Select the location of the content, whether top, bottom, left or right.
- Select the Create New Content button. If you look in the location panel you had selected and the content type you have selected should appear.
- While still on "Content for Page", select the View this Page link at the top of the page. This view shows how your page will look when your site is live.
Editing Content in a Page
- Select Edit from the top navigation menu. A content editor will appear.
- Within the HTML Content screen, select the item you wish to edit using the editing tools from the top of the window.
- Scroll over each icon to see their functions and choose the tool you need to use to edit the content.
- Once done, click Update.